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Solar Savings Calculator: Estimate Your Energy Bill Savings

If you’re seeking financing for your next energy management solution, Eco-NRGY Solutions collaborates with multiple financial institutions to assist you in achieving this objective. Our innovative solutions empower you to manage energy consumption effectively, lower costs, and contribute to environmental protection. Utilize our Savings Calculator to assess the potential impact of various solar and energy backup solutions on your financial bottom line. Whether you opt for cash payment or financing, we’re committed to helping you maintain control over your utility expenses while promoting energy savings and environmental well-being

Solar Panels

Select and Enter Your Address

Energy Storage Systems

If any of the systems mentioned above can meet at least 85% of your daily energy requirements, consider pairing it with an appropriately sized Energy Storage System (ESS). This combination brings you closer to achieving energy independence. Below shows such sizing for the ESS for the PV Solar System selected.

Select Desired PV Solar System

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If you desire freedom from the grid, an ESS can store excess solar energy during the day. You can then use this stored energy during nighttime or cloudy days, reducing your reliance on external power sources.

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For those who want to power their homes using stored energy when the sun isn’t shining, an ESS provides a reliable solution. It ensures a seamless transition from solar power to stored energy during evenings or overcast periods.

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Worried about grid outages? An ESS can keep essential circuits running even when the grid fails. This peace of mind is invaluable during emergencies.

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ESS Size

ESS Size

ESS Size

Select Desired Energy Storage System


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Enter how much you are paying for utilities ($/kWh) today.  Be sure to include retail and delivery charges in your rate.

Estimated 25 Year Savings with an Energy Management Solution from
Eco-NRGY Solutions LLC 
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Based on Purchasing Solution

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Based on Financing Solution

Disclaimer: All payments are not guaranteed and should be used as estimates only.  Payment assumes voluntary payment of Federal Investment Tax Credit amount 18 months after commencement of loan.   Financing options may differ based on the final recommended system configurations and the availability of equipment at the time of contracting. Rate includes origination fees and also subject to change. Savings conservatively assume an annual 3% increase in utility rates. AC production is calculated using the National Energy Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) solar irradiance calculation based on standardized settings established. Actual results can vary depending on site conditions, including factors such as shading, panel orientation, weather conditions, and energy consumption. As a result, the outcomes for solar and energy storage system (ESS) configurations may be subject to change. It’s essential to consider these variables when evaluating your options.

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